Wednesday, June 27, 2007

June is Endboss month ... and other things

I never update this thing, and I think it's because I'm unsure if anyone reads this. Actually, scratch that, it's probably because I'm lazy when it comes to blogs. I mean, considering this thing just ate my whole entry and I'm now rewriting it, can anyone really blame me.

June has been a far more interesting month than normal for me, as it's usually a pretty lazy, do-nothing month. I've been to Chicago twice this month, once for my cousin's birthday and the other for Midwest Championships, and had a great time both times. In fact, I don't think I've ever had a bad experience in Chicago, although when Monique got the flu as I turned 21 was surely not a red-letter day for anyone involved. However, that's a story for another time.

I also managed to get a job, after spending most of the month working exclusively freelance and on my column since Gunther's closed, and right now my bank account is showing the wear from the time off. However, once I get my pay from the freelance gig and after I get my first check from the new job, I should be where I want to be financially. I also should be almost able to get a PlayStation 3, which is first on a short list of big purchases to be made in the near future. With the PS3, I'll finally be able to play Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection which we never got at arcades here in Columbia. The nearest machine is also roughly two hours away (bleh).

Speaking of games, did it get mentioned Gunther's closed? I know it was hard to avoid if you're reading this and living in Columbia, but the city's last real arcade (yes I went there) closed a little over a month ago now, and some people are still reeling from it. I know when I was in Chicago playing games this last weekend, people were asking us (my friend and I from Columbia) if it was true about the arcade, and expressing disappointment and some disbelief that the arcade was doing as poorly as it was. Some people didn't even know the arcade had closed, and were a bit shocked to hear the news. Truly a bummer for the Columbia (and larger) gaming community.

So, I think I'll end on that high note for now.




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