Monday, November 20, 2006

wii are go for takeoff

I'm so clever. Today I celebrated my 24th birthday as any normal person would: I got up at 7 am and went and stood in the freezing cold weather of the Columbia morning in hopes of attaining the Wii, Nintendo's newest video game system.

Monique was awesome enough to drive me around, so we hit four stores in town: Target, Circuit City, Best Buy and finally Toys R Us. Needless to say, the first three were a general bust, with the line at Best Buy reaching a fairly epic proportion (it had to be about 60 people, which I think is a lot for this town). However, after all else had failed I banked on a long shot, hoping that nobody would have thought to line up early in front of Toys R Us. As luck would have it, I was right. I was the 10-11 person in line and got to bring home the new system to celebrate.

Along with the system, I bought The Legend of Zelda: Twiligh Princess and Excite Truck. Both seem to be solid titles so far, with Excite Truck definitely (in my opinion) going beyond the criticisms of it simply being a tech demo. TP, on the other hand, I'm only about 10 minutes into (I had to work tonight) so it's hard to say what's what. It feels a lot like Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker though, so I'm sure it will be good enough for government work.

The only game I haven't played is Wii Sports. To be honest, I'm simply underwhelmed by the ideas of it at the moment, but I'm going to give it a shot tomorrow, and maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. ^_^

In other birthday news, Monique took me out to lunch for my birthday and a few days ago gave me my birthday present, Yoshi's Island DS. hopefully it turns out as good as its SNES predecessor, because that game is a classic. The rest of my presents will be given to me on my return to St. Louis for Thanksgiving, so what other goodies I pick up along the way might be added to the list once it's complete.

until next time...


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