Sunday, October 15, 2006

drumming up support for kopn

Drumming Up Support for KOPN

I don't have a show or work with KOPN, but my friends have a show on Saturday night/Sunday morning from 2-5 am: Mystery Science Radio 3000. Because of this, and because I really like the variety on KOPN, I wanted to post this here.

KOPN is currently having a pledge drive until the 20th of October (Friday). This pledge money aids in maintaining the radio station, equipment, etc.

The current goal is $75,000 and I believe they are at about 40% of their goal. Meeting this goal in the fall/winter drives will allow them to cancel the pledge drive in the springtime so that the programming can go uninterrupted (that is, without mention of the pledge drive).

According to the site, "As a special incentive you will be automatically entered to win a trip to the BBC."

Your pledge doesn't have to be much - a year ago I pledged $20 and this drive a bit more. Any bit really helps, I think.

If you're interested or for more information you can see:

the KOPN pledge form

Business Office - (573) 874-1139
Fax - (573) 499-1662
Studio line - (573) 874-5676
outside Columbia - 1-800-895-5676
Talk show call-in - (573) 443-8255 (443-TALK)

or visit the KOPN website

Like I said, I'm not associated with KOPN but I do really appreciate community radio.



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1:50 PM  

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