Thursday, September 28, 2006

objection! or what I've been up to since my last post

It has been a while since I lasted posted; natch, make that a millennium. But it's not my fault, I swear, because I just haven't had much to talk about. Time is seemingly flying by this semester, though maybe that's because I'm not in school anymore to agonize over the tests, homework and other falderal that goes with being in school. However, I may still have to face down more tests.

And that is because I'm actively considering stepping into grad school. I honestly feel like there's still so much for me to learn, that I want to learn, and without the proper motivation and, more importantly, environment and people to learn it from I'll be completely lost in a sea of knowledge. Both Monique and my friend Will are really into linguistics, so I've recently starting joking that it's only a matter of time before I fall into the study, but if I went back to school I'd probably pick up a minor in it because it seems really engrossing once you get into it. The real problem that I'm facing about going back to school would be what I would major in.

And that's the catch. I would really enjoy going back to school for journalism (again) but I've heard it's not considered as worthwhile because people have the assumption you just went into grad school for the same subject because you already knew the teachers and thus how they grade and how to pass, which is admittedly a fair assumption. However, without that I'm not sure what I'd actually want to study. History and Philosophy are both topics that I'm insanely interested in, but what would I do with those extra degrees? I don't think they'd help me get a job at a paper, so it would be almost like wasting time before I got my hands dirty in the field. Hmph. I need to do some more thinking about this, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. I should probably work on getting a better job first, though.

In other news, I picked up Okami for Ps2 the other day (which is really good so far) and have started playing the copy of Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney I've had sitting on my shelf for about a year. I'm sad it's taken this long for me to play the game, because it's simply amazing. The style of play, the characters and the story are all really fun and the game is almost always enjoyable. Solving cases can actually be pretty tricky, with having to figure out when to bring up evidence and press a witness, although the game is very forgiving if you mess up ... I'm actually not even sure if you can lose, although I think I've seen something of a baseball strikes system in the game. The sequel, which is already out in Japan, looks to be a bit harder so that should be interesting. I'm planning on importing it when it's rereleased in Japan this October with English text. It's going to be awesome.

I can't wait ... seriously.

until next time...


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