Wednesday, September 20, 2006


For those who attend MU and like music/step games - there is a new club at the university for Dance Dance Revolution. When I used to play some years ago, I thought of it as the exercise for people who hated to exercise. The game can seem intimidating, but the crowd isn't and I found that it was the sort of environment that made me feel comfortable.

The club president had forums set up for members to communicate - these
forums can be located at

Speaking of exercise - Paul & I are going biking on the MKT on Friday (hopefully).

I went shopping downtown in the District. You know, at first I thought that some of the clothing stores were expensive - and certainly there are stores that are more expensive than others and outfits that are more expensive than others, but when I thought about it, a lot of what I bought was either the same price or on sale and the outfits seemed fairly different from what I am used to finding in a mall.

Britches is having a sale on makeup, jewelry and shoes.



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