Sunday, August 13, 2006

mystery science radio 3000

2 am & we go to see Tony & Kyle at KOPN. The studio is full - Hannah & the cookies she brought, Cletus & a boy in a woven cap & an older man who also has a show & is wearing tye-dye. He tells stories of Columbia & Chicago in the 1960s, of disco records that he hated & points to a song on a a Jimmy Buffet album record & tells Tony he should play it. I hate Jimmy Buffet but this man in the studio seems nice.

Just as the room begins to empty out, two girls arrive - both friends with Scott & we sit there listening to the music while everyone talks & then, by 3:30, it is just us & the Moser's Report. We play 'The Price is Right' on air with Ken who tells us about the time he shat his pants on the way to work. Paul is laughing so hard that a sound cannot escape his body; he is convulsing & tears are in his eyes while he slaps his leg. During our game, Tony continuously yells '2 for 5!' & we are all laughing.

They tell stories of their trip to Chicago, of an inflatable penis emerging out of the tinted windows of a stretch Hummer, of Real Sex (for dummies) & of a Jim Brewer look-alike.

Kyle pulls out a compilation of Brasilian music & I restrain myself from jumping over the table & snatching it. Listening to music - this music - helps me forget that I am here or at the very least it transforms my perspective.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop C-blocking my tuneage, bra...

5:56 PM  

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