Friday, July 28, 2006

to the capitol (and beyond)

Yesterday, Paul & I hopped in the car with Tony & Kyle and left for the state's capitol city to visit historical monuments such as the Slackers near Wal-Mart, JT's record store and Little Caesars. Paul bought a few SNES games but was later disappointed when he discovered that his SNES is currently not working. I think someone has been shoving bologna in it - I won't name any names. Tony picked up the NES game by Wisdom Tree, Spiritual Warfare. I can't possibly describe this accurately, and certainly you would need to see pictures of the game, so redirect yourself to the Encyclopedia Obscura, needless to say, it was a good find.

I picked up four fantastic cds: A*Teens, the Clueless soundtrack, Marc Anthony's 'Libre' and Ace of Base's 'The Bridge.' Right, well then. I remember a girl telling me that one day I would grow up and out of my pop music 'phase' when I learned to appreciate music. She said that when I was first starting college and I was actually older than her, I think. Either way, I am still snickering at the comment.

Ah, before I forget, I should also mention that Tony and Kyle have a radio show on KOPN 89.5 on Saturday night - Sunday morning. It begins at 2:00 am and ends at 5:00 am. They also have a Myspace profile for the show: Mystery Science Radio 3000. I would like to note that my profile is currently down on the site due to the Myspace outages. Fortunately, my friend Jon had his profile wiped and then it was fixed and all the old information had been saved - I hope this is the case with my profile.

Tomorrow I am picking up my 127 film from Columbia Photo! I am excited because it is the first time I had ever used the 127 film & Brownie (not the Brownie in the previous entry, but the one I bought from Helena). Some photos have been exposed twice, and I made sure to tell them not to worry about it, to print them with flaws and all because that is why I got this particular camera.



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