Tuesday, February 13, 2007

dude, you bloggin?

Ugh, I never remember which font I actually use when I update this thing. That, however, may be because I hardly update this thing, which in turn makes it -my bad-.

Last night Monique and I headed to St. Louis to watch the Shins live in concert. A quick aside: Monique is a Shins fan, I am not. At this point in our relationship, it seems we have simply decided that the other party likes horrible music (with a few notable overlaps in taste) and have gone our musical separate ways. Even when we like a similar style of music, we diverge: I like Of Montreal, they are not anything of much interest to her. But, back to the story at-hand.

So, Monique had offered to buy my ticket for me to attend with her, because going to a concert out of town by yourself is mostly impossible; either the boredom of having no one to talk about the show with, or simply having no one to talk to period on the drive back would destroy any enjoyment I could get from the experience itself. So we traveled to Stl and got to the show about half an hour before the show began.

As for the show itself, it was an overall good show. The opening band, whose name I can't remember, seemed to be trying a little to hard to have credibility and ended up creating rather uninspiring rock n roll that sounded like a mixture of White Stripes melodic form along with unnecessarily flashy guitar work. So, 0 for 1 and I was pretty tired of standing by the bar at this point because of the smoke and annoying people.

Another aside (I apologize): It's amazing how used to the smoking ban in Columbia I have become. It's only been a month and already going to bars outside the city is an unwelcome experience, as I have to return to the old ritual of showering and fumigating my clothes as soon as I get home. And I had gotten so used to actually being able to go to bed when I got home. *sigh*

But anywho, the Shins proceeded to come on and played a pretty good set. From the crowd and Monique's reactions, they played what people wanted to hear, which in my mind always makes for a good set. I wish I could say whether they played anything unexpected but I haven't the foggiest. However, I did manage to figure out which songs were from Shutes Too Narrow, because the most annoying girls on the planet managed to scream in our ears every time the band played one of those songs. Glad to see someone bought one album and came to the concert. Either way, after encore they had played for about 1.30 total, and we proceeded to get back on the road, where we tussled over whether I should be allowed to get Jack-In-The-Box on the way home. As she was driving (and is an evil, evil person) I was refused and had to spend the next hour + starving in the car before making home and to bed (although I was up online till about 4am). Some people, I tell ya, just have no soul. :)

until next time ...



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