Friday, September 21, 2007

Don't worry about the Government

To get this out of the way, I have been dead for ... a long time. Yup, that explains my absence on here to a T. It couldn't be that I'm lazy, no siree ... uh, yeah, but anywho ...

I hate taking showers at night. I stand firm in the belief it's useless, because by the time you wake up in the morning you're no longer completely clean. I mean, sure, you're not as dirty as you would have been had you not showered at night, but you're not clean. For my own part, my hair gets all greasy and I in general feel blech. I don't *feel* clean; it feels like I didn't shower. It's sort of akin to that feeling when you forgot to brush your teeth before bed — god I hate that feeling. Plus, people tend to sweat in their sleep and we all know that's dirty, so how can anyone be sure that he or she didn't sweat in their sleep and thus needs to shower?

The reason this comes up is the last few days I've been working out at night only to get home fairly late. So, instead of going to bed disgusting I decided I should just take a shower at night. Then in the morning I've been too lazy to get up to take showers, and just throw on clothes and go to work. You'd think I would have figured it out after one day, but NOOOOO I did it three times. In short, I'm a moron.

So that's my mini-rant for today. Don't take showers at night, because it's disgusting.

Until next time ...


Blogger Unknown said...

But I wake up if I sweat & I'm not going to take the time to shower in the morning. :(


12:33 PM  

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